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"To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art; study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else."
–Leonardo da Vinci

The Art-Sci collaborative aims to build a bridge between art and science by sharing diverse perspectives and providing opportunities for faculty and students to explore this interface. We draw from OSU’s rich history of scientific innovation and artistic creation. We inspire connection by establishing partnerships and collaborations, hosting workshops and by sponsoring events that foster discussion about the convergence of science and art.

Upcoming and Recent Events

Exhibition poster


Little Gallery, Kidder Hall, OSU

May 22-June 9, 2023

This show is the culmination of the year-long interdisciplinary fellowship. Eleven fellows present creating work that honors both the value of traditional scientific research and creative expression.

Seeing a River

Seeing a River

Truckenbrod Gallery, 575 SW 2nd St Corvallis, February 3 - 25, 2023

Two artists and a scientist view a river through different perspectives.

Our relationship with a river determines how it is seen. Depending on our personal experiences, we each see a river through a different lens.

Spalted wood

Spalted Wood

From Ancient Art to Modern Scientific Marvel: A talk by
Dr. Seri Craig Robinson
Corvallis Museum
10:30am, Wednesday, January 4, 2023
SPLIT photo of exhibit card


David Paul Bayles

Truckenbrod Gallery Nov 4-26

Black and white photographs from three bodies of work made over the last couple of years. The images of trees explore themes of separation and union.



Luis Prato, Sculptor

2nd floor “knuckle” between Richardson Hall and Peavy Forest Science Center

The exhibition consists of a journey through the artistic work exercises that Luis has carried out during his stay at the College of Forestry thanks to the invitation of Dr. Seri Robinson. The set of works is made up of turned woods, spalted woods, drawings, sculptures, photographs and videos.